Sunday, September 11, 2022

Nancy Cardone Didn't Only Turn Our School System into a Frat House for Mid Life Crises...


Unprofessionalism, Depravity, Corruption

Nancy Cardone spent her career covering up corruption and illegal behavior in our board office and in our schools.  Voting with the worst conflicts of interest was fine for Nancy Cardone.  Illegal payouts were fine for Nancy Cardone. Illegal contracts were fine for Nancy Cardone. Faking degrees was fine for Nancy Cardone. Viciously going after good employees as favors to family and friends was fine for Nancy Cardone.  Her son turning a principal's office into a frat house was fine for Nancy Cardone.  

Nancy Cardone believes that her appalling behavior is all fun and games.  Where did it get us?  Lodi taxpayers are now paying her Superintendent Douglas Petty $213,272 to supposedly "work from home" without any suspension.  Nancy Cardone tried to hide Doug Petty's arrest from the public.  Nancy Cardone was aware of Doug Petty's arrest before his mug shot began circulating the internet.  Doug Petty was arrested on August 28, 2022.

Doug Petty's mugshot and arrest details didn't begin circulating the internet until August 31, 2022.  Knowing about the arrest and hiding it from the public, Nancy Cardone still had Doug Petty parading around the Lodi schools like he was the king of the castle.  These people have no shame.  They are narcissistic and delusional.

What does Doug Petty not being suspended mean for our district?  Doug Petty is still administering our schools.  Doug Petty is still putting up all names to be hired and promoted.  Doug Petty is still handing out contracts.  Doug Petty is still in charge of Lodi's $76,291,558 budget.  Doug Petty is still supervising Nancy Cardone's son.

Nancy Cardone has made a mockery of our school system.  Nancy Cardone has violated public trust.  Nancy Cardone has earned your vote to throw her out of office.