Thursday, August 11, 2022

A Horrible Injustice: Marc Schrieks Does the Dirty Work for Donald Scorzetti by Signing Off on the Most Unfair, Unconscionable Decision Against Captain Grillo…


Lodi is going to be shocked and disgusted when they learn the details of Marc Schrieks' decision.


John Molinelli (as Bergen County Prosecutor) was flying to Italy with Joe Coniglio while Coniglio was under federal investigation.  Mollinelli was part of one of the most corrupt administrations Bergen County had ever seen.  Molinelli was hand selected by the Lodi Mayor and Council and paid with Lodi tax dollars to do their dirty work.  Molinelli was never objective and nonpolitical.


Once again, the hearings were public.  John Molinelli was biased (based on which side was paying him).  People can trust their own eyes and own ears.  Nobody can trust Donald Scorzetti, John Molinelli, Marc Schrieks, the Mayor and Council.


Double standards and uneven punishments should never be tolerated.