Sunday, September 5, 2021

Lodi's Solution to Flooding: Build 500 More Apartments...

Phil Murphy, Joseph Lagana and all the other background politicians on the November ballot love their photo ops but have done nothing to address the flooding problem during the decades they spent talking about it and putting it on campaign mailers.

Phil Murphy says it's all because of climate change. However,  the worst flooded areas all happen to be in overdeveloped cities and towns that have nowhere for  water to drain.

So when Scott Luna pushes hundreds of more apartments in town (Garibaldi and anywhere else where someone with money and influence wants to build), the public should ask: how will that affect draining? Is Lodi already too developed for a town of two square miles? How will their overdevelopment impact future floods? Have they ever looked at the draining problems in Hoboken?

All the politicians in the photo ops say they need federal money. So why are they parading around the Clerk, Sheriff, and others that have nothing to do with the matter? Politics at its worst. 

Some people work to get things done. Others like Lagana just talk and take photos (and rip off the towns in his district with legal bills).