Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Licata 2-Step Plan for Lodi

Mrs. Licata has used politics to land political jobs for almost every family member.  But that hasn’t been enough.  She demands more from the taxpayers of Lodi.  With the October bills, she continues to use her public office to funnel even more money her family’s way.  Her son, Joseph Licata of the Lodi BOE, received ANOTHER $500.

She has been creative with his “consulting fees”.  This month, the bills list him as the “Lodi Drug Alliance Coordinator” for $500.  Before that, they listed him as “Grant Coordinator Drug Alliance” or just “Lodi Drug Alliance Consulting Fee” for $350.

When asked at a council meeting months ago if it was an ethics violation to have an immediate family member being paid for “consulting fees", everybody played dumb.  Mrs. Licata said she believed he was reimbursed for something and Schrieks fabricated some story like he normally does.

Instead of ending their bad practices of nepotism abuse and unethical behavior, they just change descriptions on the bills.

Here is just a snapshot of the Licatas appearing on some monthly bills I chose randomly: