Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Luna should scold Eustace for "bringing Lodi down". Then he should ask for his $500 campaign contribution back.

Eustace obviously isn't concerned about Lodi's rankings and performance because he has done NOTHING to better our schools while serving in the assembly. So he shouldn't attack the Lodi schools solely for political purposes because someone running against him used to work in the Lodi schools.   His flier sent out today was nasty, dishonest, and completely self-serving. 

I guess Gordon, Eustace, and the other one aren't bright enough to know that the board of education determines the administrators' salaries. If they are unhappy with the Lodi salaries being "$11,000 over the state average", they should contact their very own Committeeman Joe Licata to express their disapproval. Also, Lodi's biggest decline in rankings coincided with his years on the board. They can take that up with him as well.  I recommend they attend a boe meeting if they are sincere. 

Lodi has many good educators and some good administrators. Failure in the system does not lie with them. The blame belongs with the politics of those serving on the board of education and on the Lodi council.  And their politics and tactics are the same as Eustace’s.  Good employees of Lodi can only do so much with what is handed to them.

Everyone living in Lodi and working in Lodi should be offended by Eustace, Gordon, and the other one that thinks he is President of United States because he sat on the Paramus council for a year.  They degraded Lodi today and hurt Lodi’s image even more throughout the county.