Friday, September 30, 2016

Dominic Miller’s backroom meetings were the most costly in the history of Lodi: $7,500,000.

Dominic Miller’s backroom meetings were the most costly in the history of Lodi:  $7,500,000.

Dominic Miller is one of four trustees that was casually appointed by Joe Licata to the committee responsible for the Lincoln School Building.  Committee of four: Licata, Miller, Nardino, and Carbonetti.

The committee operated behind the public’s back.  Nobody knows where they met, who was in attendance, or what was discussed.

Dominic Miller was driving around in Capizzi’s big black Lexus during that time.

Dominic Miller and the "Committee of 4" decided to spend $7,500,000 (all Lodi tax dollars) on a new lavish building for approximately 22 employees.

Dominic Miller took away your right to vote on the matter.

Dominic Miller took millions away from our schools (students and teachers).

Dominic Miller never answered for his actions.

It is time that Dominic Miller answers for the first time.

I challenge Dominic Miller to a debate, with the entire focus on the $7,500,000.

He can choose whoever he likes to moderate.  He can choose Jamie Ciofalo.  He can choose Joe Licata.  He can choose Joe Capizzi.  He can choose Donald Scorzetti.  He can have it at the Lodi Boys & Girls Club if he likes.

I can be reached by email to set up the debate.

If Dominic Miller agrees to debate me, I will make a large donation to "Lodi Cares".

Does Lodi want a BOE President that casts unethical votes, and then alters the minutes a month later?

With an ethics complaint already moving forward against Joe Licata, he voted YES at the July 21st meeting to pay his attorney’s bills with Lodi tax dollars.

That is clearly another ethics violation.

So a month later, instead of approving minutes for what actually occurred, he changed his vote to ABSTAIN.  He didn’t abstain.  He voted YES.  Minutes are supposed to reflect what votes were cast at the meeting, not what was changed a month later.

Below are the minutes to the August 31st meeting:

Joe Licata has a long history of changing his votes and approving inaccurate minutes.

From 2013:

Thursday, September 29, 2016

You can be voting right now.

Many Lodi residents have already cast their votes, six weeks before the election. 

Anyone interested in voting before November 8th can do so by filling out a vote by mail application (a ballot will be sent to you shortly after you mail out your application).  You can print out an application from the link below.

You can also pick up an application on Liberty Street.  And don’t worry, I’m not like the Lodi political machine.  I believe your ballot belongs to you.  I despise voter fraud and voter interference.