Thursday, April 30, 2020

“Public Comment”. Did the Montclair State Master’s Program Ever explain it?

Members of the public can offer public comments during hearing of citizens. It doesn't have to be in the form of a question.

In between hiring unqualified relatives and making up fake degrees from Montclair State, Nancy Cardone should review the purpose of “hearing of citizens”.

Nancy Cardone should also review the role of a normal board member and then review the role of a board member that has every conflict of interest.  Maybe Matthew Giacobbe and his apprentice can explain that to her.  A superintendent administers the schools.  A board member with every relative employed in the schools can sit there like a bump on a log.

Nancy Cardone, Paula Fiduccia, and Dolores Putz should be grateful every day for Lodi politics and Joe Capizzi. Only in Lodi can people like them  retire from the positions they retired from. 

Monday, April 27, 2020

"Hamilton teacher caught on tape telling students she hopes they 'die' of coronavirus"

Link to story:

From the article: The president of the Hamilton teachers union, Frank Gatto, had no comment for this story.“I can’t comment on it,” he said Saturday night, “because I don’t know anything about it.”

Total BS from the teacher union president. He knew about matter at the time the reporter reached out to him.

The NJEA will defend this whack job.  That’s what the NJEA does.